Alexandrite Safety Eyewear-Pink Light Frame


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Product Category Type: Laser Filter
Lens Color: Pink
Wavelength Type: Infrared, Visible
Application: Ultrafast, Medical, Scientific
VLT: 33%
CE Rating: 190-315 D LB8 + IR LB4
>315-390 DIRM LB6
720-810 D LB6 + IM LB7 + R LB5
>810-830 DIRM LB5
Ce Certified: Yes
Wavelength (nm) / OD: 190-400 6+
720-810 7+
>810-830 5+
Disclaimer: Filter characteristic data points are nominally represented here solely for informational purposes. We guarantee only those specifications, including Optical Densities, CE ratings and VLT, that are imprinted on the eye protectors and listed on filter data sheets and web pages.
Filter Material: Polymer
Weight 0,1 kg
Dimensions 5 × 4 × 5 cm
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